is the first source for Miami Dolphins News. The News Wire is updated continuously and gets stories as they happen. was the first Miami Dolphins website on the Internet and continues to be one of the best sources for news and information about the Miami Dolphins. The latest tweets from @OmarKelly. Danielle Stella says she was banned for a tweet in which she spread a baseless claim about Omar and said if the claim is true, Omar should be tried for treason and hanged, according to a post to her Facebook account. Two Twitter accounts of Stella’s have been suspended, her campaign confirmed to CNN. Omar responded to Loeffler’s Friday tweet, calling Loeffler a fear monger. “Blatant lies from the disastrous, insider trading, Qanon conspiracy supporting, fear mongering, appointed Kelly. Pro tip: to win an election you run on ideas, debate your actual opponent and defend your record, not run against the Squad.
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[05/06/20] -- Don Shula has Moved On
The biggest Dolphins' News event of this year has been the passing of Coach Don Shula. I have been thinking a lot lately about what Don Shula meant to me, personally, not just as a football coach but as an icon of integrity, hard work, and success. For so many years, he WAS the Miami Dolphins and an example of the best we could all be. I often felt that he couldn't die - that he was indestructible and immortal and would always be there to support theMiami Dolphins.
I like to think that, with the new coaching staff and this year's draft, Coach Shula felt that the team was back in good hands again and that his work was finally done.
Rest in Peace, Coach. The world and the game will be smaller without you.
Our exclusive columnist, Chris Shashaty, also shares his thoughts on Don Shula in his latest column, Shula's Example is his Enduring Legacy.
[04/17/20] -- The 2020 Draft
It has been almost a two years since we've been doing any serious updates to, but with the virus keeping us home, we really have absolutely no excuse - so guess what? We have a new article oon the draft from our long time columnist, Chris Shashaty. So please take a look at his take on the draft in his latest article 'Time for the Dolphins to Set a New Cornerstone.
[05/01/18] -- An InterestingOff-Season
The draft is over and the Dolphins have gotten their team for 2018. It's been a very confusing off-season for me as the Dolphins started by letting a number of very high profile players go, including arguably their best offensive and defensive players in Jarvis Landry and Ndamukong Suh. That caused a huge kerfuffle among the fans and pundits, as well it should. It looked like the Dolphins were going to be willing to take huge chances in order to build the team of the future.
But then the draft came along and the Dolphins played it very conservatively. We, of course, can not know what went on in the Dolphins' draft room during the draft, and all of the best quarterbacks were taken before the Dolphins' pick, so we'll probably never know if the Dolphins would have taken a quarterback with the first pick or if they really felt good about Tannehill. But one thing we do know is that most of the picks the Dolphins made were fairly conservative. Generally speaking, the media gave the Dolphins good grades for the high picks and less good grades for the lower picks. I felt pretty much the same way. And today, Columnist Chris Shashaty gives us his thoughts on the Dolphins' draft in his latest article Regime Stakes Future on Tannehill, Conservative Draft.
Omar Kelly T
[12/23/17] -- What Next?
Now that the Dolphins have been - for all practical intents and purposes - eliminiated from the playoffs, it is time to talk about the teams's future. One of the biggest questions is whether or not Ryan Tannehill is in the team's long term plans. This week, Columnist Chris Shashaty gives us his thoughts on Tannehill's future in today's column Has the Window Closed on Ryan Tannehill?.
Omar Kelly Bio
[11/07/17] -- Halfway There
The Dolphins are now halfway through the 2017 regular season and I think it's fair to say that things are about as confusing as they ever get down in South Florida for our team. To take a closer look at where we are so far this season, Columnist Chris Shashaty examines the state of the team in his latest column: Culture War.
[08/01/17] -- Training Camp is Underway
Training Camp 2017 started last week and while the team has a lot to work on, the biggest weakness the team had last year was the defense. Recognizing this, 5 of Miami's 7 draft picks were on defense. The Dolphins also switched defensive coordinators, adding Matt Burke to replace the departed Vance Joseph.
Omar Kelly Wife

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So, with that in mind, it isn't difficult to see that Miami's defense must have a good training camp, if the Dolphins are to improve their play in the 2017 season. With that in mind, Columnist Chris Shashaty gives us his latest thoughts here: Top Priority in Training Camp: Defense
Omar Kelly Twitter Adam Engroff
[05/03/17] -- Drafting for the future
Last week, the Dolphins spent most of their draft picks on improving the defense, which makes sense, given the poor overall performance of the defense last year. Also, the offense is a very young and up-and-coming group, whereas key areas of the defense are aging and need upgrades. Following the draft, I heard an interview with Dolphins' General Manager Chris Grier who said that the thing that impressed them most about Charles Harris was how much Harris loved football. And he went on to say that a key characteristic of all the players they drafted was that all the players loved to play football - which sounds like it would be an obvious trait, but often isn't. So more important than 40 times or other amazing stats, the Dolphins drafted blue collar guys - guys who come to work every day to work as hard as they can and who are not as concerned with how many sacks they get as they are in helping the team win. Or, as Columnist Chris Shashaty puts it in his latest column, Dolphins Opt for Dirty over Sexy.